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 Rep: 633 

Re: Prince Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: Prince Discussion

Russ you are the man once again! The guy dressed up like Prince seemed like a really cool dude to jam with. Great performance! I'm actually looking for a vocalist and a guitar player to add to some songs that I've been working on for quite awhile. Trying to figure out some lyrics. Most of them are just instrumentals. One day I would love to form a full band to play different kinds of music or maybe just have a side tribute band and play like Chinese Democracy front to back, Appetite, or another rock album that would be fun to get a bunch of musicians together and have a blast.

Speaking of Prince, a band I saw a couple months ago they recently played Purple Rain front to back in NYC for a New Years Eve celebration. I regret not going due to my schedule because I heard it was amazing. Plus they dressed the part too. I heard a rumor that one of the musicians from The Time showed up for a song or two.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Prince Discussion

-D- wrote:

Thats awesome. u got balls my friend.

when i saw Prince on th Rainbow Children club tour, he'd let people outta the audience that played come up and jam...

I consider myself a decent guitarist... but FUCK NO i wouldn't raise my hand.... LOL I shrank but know i wouldn't be able to do shit in his presence.

 Rep: 227 

Re: Prince Discussion

Will wrote:

Great performance Russ. I need at least 10 drinks in me before getting up and doing karaoke, I wouldn't have the balls to get up and sing with professionals (and in front of a paying crowd) 16 Nice one 22

 Rep: 231 

Re: Prince Discussion

-D- wrote:

Russ u did great but man, Tribute bands fucking terrify me.

hate them

 Rep: 485 

Re: Prince Discussion

Neemo wrote:

Nice job Russ!

So what happened did "prince" forget the lyrics and u bailed him out?

 Rep: 633 

Re: Prince Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


Re: Prince Discussion

Lomax wrote:

Excellent I would love to see prince.
While we're on the topic, anyone ever sen this?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Prince Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

That is totally bad ass that you did a completely impromptu deal like that. I got asked like that (with a much smaller band mind you) once and totally choked. Like pure Axl "if there's no planning, not doing it kind of moment".

I kind of regret it. A fleeting moment lost.

Great deal Russ. Total bad ass.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Prince Discussion

faldor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

That is totally bad ass that you did a completely impromptu deal like that. I got asked like that (with a much smaller band mind you) once and totally choked. Like pure Axl "if there's no planning, not doing it kind of moment".

I kind of regret it. A fleeting moment lost.

Great deal Russ. Total bad ass.

That's awesome Russ!  Like others have said, I don't think I'd have had the balls to try and pull that off.  Maybe if I could actually sing decently, but outside of my car, or in front of others, that doesn't seem to happen too often.

I was at some low key party one time and a few guys started to jam out to "Mr. Brownstone".  They asked me to join in and I completely F'ed it up.  Forgot when to come in.  It was awful.  And there were like 10 people in a basement, so the pressure really shouldn't have been too high.

Job well done my man.

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