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#1 Re: The Sunset Strip » Most Recent Movie You've Seen » 8 weeks ago

Again, I’m a complete ignoramus on wrestling. I’m not naïve to pop culture, so all the big names since Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior I’ve probably heard of. But the way this film portrayed the physical toll on abusing your body and the excess of drugs used ultimately to cope is very relatable to a lot of people.

The rest of my comment is vague enough not to spoil anything directly, but treads far too close I’ll hide the rest:

Hidden Text:

I Wikipedia’d the family the movie is based on, so I know the discrepancies from that. But I thought the movie do an excellent job with its version of Mike. The pressure and neglect to force him into the ring, despite his obvious passions, his personality, is just so egregious and anger provoking.  Just really fucking good writing and character development. Him losing that aspect of himself and checking out.  Just fucking heart wrenching stuff.

The only complaint I had is with the way they finished Kerry’s story. I understood the pain from the trauma was a lot for him. How much from the ring or the Harley wreck, I guess it’s never clear. And I understand his championship was largely a token gesture and gift for their brother David. But fuck, he was in a really good place (and I know celebrities crash and burn all the time) but like people with his status and connections, can’t go through a rehab first before offing himself?  Like he’s a huge commodity, so his father and the wrestling money men have a valid interest in protecting him from himself. And that never happens. Maybe that’s true in reality, but it really conflicted with the true moments of family and connectedness. Yea, their old man was a prick, but they all loved each other deeply. Especially considering the two other brothers were gone. The lack of vigilance from all sides just seemed poorly written.

#2 Re: The Sunset Strip » Most Recent Movie You've Seen » 8 weeks ago

James, you really didn’t like iron claw?  I’m not a wrestling fan and had only heard of Ric Flair in the wrestlers portrayed (he came to visit my base in Iraq and was super cool).  I thought Efron and Jeremy Allen white put on superb performances. I really enjoyed it and agree it’s an Oscar contender. I can appreciate as a fan of wrestling how some of the freedom of expression left a sour note, but I loved the 2008 film The Wrestler and thought this was very close in quality.

#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 11 weeks ago

So with the special counsel saying Biden’s mental decline is so severe he didn’t recommend charges because any jury would take sympathy with the state of his mental decline, when does Biden withdraw from the election and who do the Democrats nominate to go against Trump?

Watched the Putin interview. I think anyone who supports continued money be sent to Ukraine should watch it too. Unless the rest of Europe kicks in like Germany, without US funding the war will be over by end of the year.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 19 weeks ago

Sky Dog wrote:

You are forgetting Atlas Shrugged….the locker leak would be VERY similar to anything leaked now. It’s a complete track.

I like your post and will do mine when I get a chance! I think the original release should have been a double 10 songs on each.

Axl’s whole vision would have been all laid out….for good and bad but the diversity is pretty damn impressive….mad scientist…literally.

You're right, I completely forgot I had that.  Which speaks to its original impact on me, but after finding it and listening again it definitely ranks higher than The General, but is more suited for the industrial group of songs rather on the ones more aligned to the original GNR song.  Thanks!

I appreciate the lists you created, but I was trying to put them together based on overall sound and identity rather than making my preferred album breakdown.  Unless you really think Better fits in with the style of The General and Absurd.

#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 19 weeks ago

A year out and all that, but does anyone care to opine on the current American election landscape?  Current polling has Trump not only winning the popular vote, but 7/7 of the battleground states.  I've been burned by polls the past 2 cycles, so give zero credence to them. But, Biden's numbers keep dropping and I don't know what outrage the left can manufacture that will impact Trump's approval - they've literally thrown anything and everything at him and his numbers continue to climb.  The GOP seems committed to standing for total abortion bans despite even red state citizens going to the polls and making abortion a right in their state constitutions, so I don't see how they can win if they keep up this nonsense.  2022 reaffirmed that in case anyone had doubts and 2023 didn't change one iota.  The only thing Trump has going for him is he's the exception to the rule in the GOP and has publicly said he's pro-choice, but he'll say whatever so it doesn't mean that much. 

I just don't think the media is going to be able to put their thumb on the scale this time to scare people into voting for Biden.  It barely worked in 2020 and too many people are aware of what was done to let it influence them in 2024.  They sure are trying though, mask mandates are coming back.  If the GOP can remind the people the damage that was caused from lockdowns and vaccine mandates and who demonized those against them, especially knowing now they had zero impact on COVID transmission, that may be enough to snap people out of the abortion obsession and remember the laws and edicts that actually impacted them.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 19 weeks ago

After a week+, it just doesn't resonate with me.  It's clear to me there are two types of sounds Axl was working on during the CD era and the two disk option definitely makes sense now that we've experienced a large amount of songs created/worked on post Slash and Duff's departure. 

Real CD Songs should have been:

Oh My God
If the World
The General

That's 12 songs that include that industrial style sound and vocals Axl wanted, and together feel similar enough to be included on an album.

He then could have released CD2 with:
The Blues (SoD)
Hard Skool
This I Love

That gives him another 8 songs for a 2nd album.  And all of these songs resonate closer to the sound and style of pre-breakup GN'R.  I don't know what Atlas and Oklahoma would truly sound like, so if they're more akin to the CD1 style, bring IRS and Monsters/Perhaps over to disk 2 and it still works. 

We got new music in 2023, no one can say otherwise.  But it feels like 2021 again where we got one solid song and one complete turd.  To each their own, I think people who think My World rocks have a few screws loose, but they think the same of some of my opinions, so live and let live. 

I just had really high expectations, especially with Fernando's and other respected leakers/hoarders comments, and still haven't heard a song since 2008 that resembles the quality of the "greats" by any strecth of the imagination.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Unreleased GNR Christmas Song » 20 weeks ago

And only now do I realize this isn’t legit. I deserve the shame. Don’t smoke weed folks.

#8 Guns N' Roses » Unreleased GNR Christmas Song » 20 weeks ago

Randall Flagg
Replies: 7

Has anyone heard this or was aware of its existence?

Some tribute band I posted linked it, and I really liked it. I never heard of it and a quick forum search showed no results. So enjoy if this is the first time you’re hearing it.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 21 weeks ago

FlashFlood wrote:

I get the point of the article but the analogy is pretty silly. CD didn’t have Slash. Alanis was doing her debut album.

I’ll go a step further than that. It’s a bad comparison because the Guns N’ Roses brand and Axl Rose were known names across the globe and Chinese Democracy was arguably the most anticipated/hyped album (in that it had become an industry joke for never coming) of all time. I’m not disputing that CD doesn’t have production problems, we all know that. But the idea any producer could treat Axl Rose in 2000 the way a producer treated Alanis Morissette who was a complete unknown is laughably absurd.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 21 weeks ago

Does anyone think The General won’t be available for streaming and digital download on or around December 8th?  They want to make money off the vinyl, and allowing those who purchased it as close to first listen as possible is the only real way to incentivize sales. Next Saturday, if not sooner, everyone will be able to hear it on their medium of choice.

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